I'm a semi-sweet/milk chocolate fan, so I was excited to have everything on hand to make these Milk-Chocolate Cookies with Malted Cream. These take a bit of time. The cookie dough has to be rolled out, stamped, then chilled. After you get all rounds prepared and baked the malted cream comes together pretty quick and then all you have to do is fill and sandwich the cookies.
The cookies have a great brown sugar and cocoa flavor, but are pretty crispy (I prefer soft or slightly chewy cookies). The filling was really yummy and different. The chocolate malt powder was a nice touch and made for a unique and rich chocolate flavor that paired well with cocoa cookies.
If you having a craving for milk chocolate and want a yummy twist on a basic sandwich cookie, these were very tasty and great the next morning with coffee.
Recipe: foodandwine.com
I thought the cream in the middle was fantastic! I would prefer the cookies be soft as well. When you take a bite, the cream squishes out all over.