About Bakeaholic

Hi! Thanks for stopping by! Here's a little bit about me, I'll keep it short and simple.

I love to cook and bake and take novice photographs of all my tasty creations so I can share it with all of you (I need some way to use the 30 photos of an Oreo cupcake at every possible angle). I've been food blogging for a few years now and I'm just starting to get the hang of it. I have two great little girls and an adventurous little boy. I do cardio out of necessity and try to sneak healthy snacks and meals in when I can. I actually have a fairly decent repertoire of healthy and tasty recipes I make often, but sweets are more fun and satisfying! No one's eyes get big when you put a lean ground turkey meatloaf in front of them. But! present them with a triple-layer coconut cake filled and topped with strawberries and covered in a delicious frosting bathed in coconut, and then you see why baking is so rewarding!

A good book paired with a glass of wine and some tasty cheeses is all I need to be happy. 

Hopefully you'll find some enticing and delicious recipes here and come back often for more tasty treats and dishes. I love to hear from you, so don't be shy!



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